時間🦻🏼:2023-06-28 16:00
This talk is concerned with the distributed filtering issue under the maximum correntropy for discrete-time stochastic systems subject to cyberattacks under non-Gaussian environments. The considered cyberattacks include denial-of-service attacks and deception attacks, and the kernel functions of the employed maximum correntropy criterion involve Cauchy kernel and Gaussian kernel ones. Two-step distributed filters are proposed to effectively fuse the innovation from the neighbor nodes and the node itself. Based on the fixed point iterative update rules, the desired filter gain related to a set of Riccati-type equations is obtained to achieve the desired filtering performance. Furthermore, the convergence of the developed fixed-point iterative algorithm is addressed via the famous Banach fixed-point theorem. Finally, some examples are utilized to show the merit of the proposed distributed filtering algorithm in the presence of cyberattacks and non-Gaussian noises.
丁德銳,上海理工大學教授🐪、博士生導師,IEEE高級會員,入選國家級優秀青年人才計劃。目前💲,出版英文學術專著 1部,發表/接受發表SCI學術論文100余篇🤟,其中自動控製領域頂級期刊TAC和Automatica論文12篇,獲IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica期刊Nobert Wiener Review Award, IEEE SMC學會Andrew P. Sage最佳匯刊論文獎各1篇。目前擔任國際期刊IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, Neurocomputing 和 IET Control Theory & Applications 的副編輯。